      author        = "Guzmán-Verri, Caterina and Suárez-Esquivel, Marcela and
                       Ruíz-Villalobos, Nazareth and Zygmunt, Michel, S. and
                       Gonnet, Mathieu and Campos, Elena and Víquez-Ruiz, Eunice
                       and Chacón-Díaz, Carlos and Aragón-Aranda, Beatriz and
                       Conde-Álvarez, Raquel and Moriyón, Ignacio and Blasco,
                       José, María and Muñoz, Pilar, M. and Baker, Kate, S. and
                       Thomson, Nicholas, R. and Cloeckaert, Axel and Moreno,
      title         = "{Genetic and Phenotypic Characterization of the
                       Etiological Agent of Canine Orchiepididymitis Smooth
                       Brucella sp. BCCN84.3}",
      year          = "2019",